ASData kolibrík a červený kvet

More than 11 years
of experience
in the development of medium to large e-commerce platforms and web applications.

Personal approach to each customer, SEO expertise, application development for automation, and the largest Google and Microsoft Channel Partner in CEE.

From the analysis of the client’s needs and requirements through the design and creation of the work to post-production care within online marketing

ASData team

We create custom e-shops and websites
thanks to our skilled team

We are a team of 18 programmers, PPC specialists, graphic designers
and industry experts.
We are based in Nitra and we offer clients a wide range of services in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing. We also pay attention to the print, so in addition to the website, e-shop, marketing
and PPC, we can also handle sticker designs, city lights and so on.

We have several thousand hours of project work behind us, we have created hundreds of custom modules and we do not intend to stop.

We try to get as close as possible to the client’s ideas, we emphasize detail and we are consistent. Above all, we are young people who enjoy working with technology. Thanks to this, we can provide up-to-date and functional solutions for both small businesses and large companies.

About us: Our team is young and we get along well. After work, our lives are not only about computers and technology. Some of us like hiking and biking, others relax in the comfort of home. In our free time we like to hang out together somewhere in the city or at a social event.

ASData team

We create custom e-shops and websites
thanks to our skilled team

We are a team of 18 programmers, PPC specialists, graphic designers and industry experts. We are based in Nitra and we offer clients a wide range of services in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing. We also pay attention to the print, so in addition to the website, e-shop, marketing and PPC, we can also handle sticker designs, city lights and so on.

We have several thousand hours of project work behind us, we have created hundreds of custom modules and we do not intend to stop.

We try to get as close as possible to the client’s ideas, we emphasize detail and we are consistent. Above all, we are young people who enjoy working with technology. Thanks to this, we can provide up-to-date and functional solutions for both small businesses and large companies.

About us: Our team is young and we get along well. After work, our lives are not only about computers and technology. Some of us like hiking and biking, others relax in the comfort of home. In our free time we like to hang out together somewhere in the city or at a social event.

We have created an application that is used by clients from all around the world! – advertise your products effectively

Application for creating, optimizing and retargeting product and world-unique product group campaigns for product advertising in Google search (Text ads). BlueWinston is suitable for almost any e-shop in the world. Unique Artificial Intelligence and a number of Google bid management scripts save your time that you can use for better optimization.

Shopping in EU – CSS Partner from Slovakia

CSS Shopping in EU
CSS Shopping in EU logo

Get more clicks while keeping your current costs, or reduce your advertising costs. Shopping in EU is one of Google’s largest CSS partners in CEE (Central Eastern Europe) and is trusted by hundreds of online merchants and agencies. We offer you the opportunity to receive up to a 20% discount on CPC (Cost-per-click) in any Google Shopping Ads.

E-commerce platforms and frameworks on which we build e-shops, websites, and web applications

ERP, accounting, and warehouse software used by ASData

Our clients said about us

Vrelo odporúčam.
Response from the owner: Ďakujeme veľmi pekne za úprimnú recenziu. Vážime si vzájomnú spoluprácu s Vami a Vašim skvelým projektom Exisport a prajeme veľa ďalších úspechov.
Dva roky som hladal spoločnosť, ktorá by bola schopná zrealizovať môj projekt. Až som našiel AS Data. Vrelo odporúčam.
Response from the owner: Dakujeme velmi pekne za uzasnu recenziu. Moc si toho vazime p. Kozel a drzime palce s uzasnym a jedinecnym projektom
Seriózna firma so serióznym prístupom, chlapci programátori sú veľmi šikovní. Ak by som mohol, dal by som aj viac ako 5 hviezdičiek.
Mam vdaka nim skvely e-shop. Uplne splnili moje ocakavania. Nedal by som si ho robit uz nikomu inemu, len tu.
Promptný prístup, profesionálne a kreatívne riešenia. Môžem odporučiť.
Som moc spokojný. WEB spravený podľa mojich predstáv. Vždy vedeli poradiť a spraviť svoju robotu. Super kolektív. Odporúčam !!!
Len dobre skusenosti, profesionalita a super ludia, vrelo odporucam.
Profesionalny pristup, kvalitne sluzby. Odporucam.
Spoluprácu s ASData môžem len odporučiť. Majú skvelý, proaktívny prístup a výborné nápady. Výsledok ich práce je výborne spracovaná grafika s prihliadnutím na SEO.Rád s nimi pôjdem aj do ďalších projektov!
Jeden z mála dodávateľov, ktorý ma presvedčil. Dochvíľnosť a kvalita poskytovaných služieb sú odlišujúcim kritériom od konkurencie.
Response from the owner: Ďakujeme veľmi pekne za Vašu recenziu, ktorú si veľmi vážime ako aj spoluprácu s Vami. Prajeme veľa úspechov.